Sunday, June 30, 2013

As soon as the good times roll

The linguistic construction of normative values embodies the differentiation of commodified objects.

SOOC Unedited
Olympus OM-D E-M5 Dramatic Art Filter Mode

I made this one while outside waiting int he rain for our hotel to let us back in, after a fire alarm was triggered in the building. This happened just as we were returning to the hotel after dinner.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Floating in history

Floating in history by fangleman
Floating in history, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Hampton Court Palace actress

When the clouds are just so

When the clouds are just so by fangleman
When the clouds are just so, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Made using the E-M5 Diorama art filter mode, very little editing.

Hampton Court Palace, London UK

Friday, June 28, 2013

What was the question?

What was the question? by fangleman
What was the question?, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Unedited except conversion to B&W and contrast adjustments. And the frame and copyright obviously...

Saw this room in the movie Jack the Giant Slayer, which had several scenes filmed at this location.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Nevermore by fangleman
Nevermore, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Shot at the London Tower, London England, UK

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Rocking the 4th Plinth

Rocking the 4th Plinth by fangleman
Rocking the 4th Plinth, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Shot at night hand held using Panasonic GF3 and Lumix 35-100mm lens. Converted to B&W in Elements.

The West Facade

The West Facade by fangleman
The West Facade, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

SOOC unedited B&W ART filter in OM-d E-M5 Olympus

West facade of St Paul's Cathedral in London. And like all great architecture with great steps, many people sitting on them...

Shooting the Oculus

Shooting the Oculus by fangleman
Shooting the Oculus, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

SOOC unedited olympus E-M5 B&W ART filter mode

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Last Spiral

The Last Spiral by fangleman
The Last Spiral, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

SOOC unedited
Olympus OM-D E-M5 B&W art filter mode

Here's another shot, where I knew I wanted a B&W image, and set the camera for B&W using one of the ART filters in the Olympus E-M5.

This is inside Saint Paul's Cathedral in London. These are the final stairs to the very top, the section just above where the public is allowed. If you are in London, I highly recommend visiting this wonderful old cathedral, enjoying the history, and certainly the views from on top of the dome.


P5113931_e by fangleman
P5113931_e, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Unedited except the frame, copyright notice, and the wider crop. Made using the Olympus E-M5 and dramatic art filter.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hips don't lie. Or do they?

Hips don't lie.  Or do they? by fangleman
Hips don't lie. Or do they?, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

The nostalgia for anxiety may be taken as the expropriation of pop culture.

Pig headed

Pig headed by fangleman
Pig headed, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Iron Pigs logo


Pigs by fangleman
Pigs, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Olympus E-M5
Canon 70-200mm IS2 on Canon to MFT adapter.

Tomorrow always happens too soon

sooc unedited art filter mode diorama 7-14mm lens

List'ning for the happy sounds.

Shot from the hip. I did have to rotate the final image a little.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Always looking up

Always looking up by fangleman
Always looking up, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.

Only editing is contrast adjustment. flickr still sucks. Terribly slow. Terrible to use. A complete horror show of inefficiency. I am trying to visit contacts photos and comment, favorite, etc. However, this monstrosity of a website is killing my experience. flickr has made some improvements to the speed, but it's still too slow, and overall a bad experience.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Riding on the escalator of life

My apologies to Robert Hazard for the title...

SOOC unedited
Olympus OM-D E-M5 B&W art mode, shot in jpeg.

The delegitimization of commodified objects can be subsumed under the reinscription of the anesthesia of forgetting.

When will I see you...again?

Shooting from the bus

Shooting from the bus by fangleman
Shooting from the bus, a photo by fangleman on Flickr.